This has been created to provide a platform for us, the Facilitators and CODE officials to do our self-training and practice out the various opportunities the LMS has to offer.
- Teacher: Dr. Z. M. Argungu
- Teacher: Dr Muhammed Auwalu
- Teacher: Dr Nura Bawa
- Teacher: Dr Rilwanu Bello
- Teacher: Dr Rilwanu Bello
- Teacher: Director Center for Open and Distance Education UDUS
- Teacher: Prof Mohamed Ibrahim
- Teacher: Dr Adamu J. Bamaiyi
- Teacher: Dr Habibu Mohammed Bunza
- Teacher: Dr Suleiman A Muhammad
- Teacher: Ibrahim Sahabi Abubakar
- Teacher: Dr Ibrahim Saidu
- Teacher: Dr A. M. Sani
- Teacher: Dr Siraju Shittu Bello
The course introduces students to man – his origin and nature, man and his cosmic environment, scientific methodology, science and technology in the society and service of man. Students will also learn about renewable and non-renewable resources – man and his energy resources, Environmental effects of chemical plastics, Textiles, Wastes and other material, Chemical and radiochemical hazards, Introduction to the various areas of science and technology etc.
- Teacher: Dr Nura Bawa
- Teacher: Director Center for Open and Distance Education UDUS
The course introduces students to Anatomy such as bones and cartilages, bones of the body, joints; classification, structures, types, location. Major joints of the body. Muscles (types and locations, architecture, actions, blood and nerves supply). Major muscles/compartments/groups of muscles of the body etc
GST 212: Logic and Philosophy & Human Existence is a 2 Unit course for students studying towards acquiring a Bachelor of Science. The course is divided into 4 study sessions. This course will explore meaning of philosophy, conceptions in philosophy, knowledge as a justified true belief, and various sources of knowledge. We will also discuss the concept of metaphysics, the difference between idealism and materialism and thereafter discussed fallacies, its definition and various examples of its types.
PHL 202: Physiology II
General Introduction
You are welcome to an interesting
course (PHL 202: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Renal Physiology) which is part of the courses you will offer during your study at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto Open and Distance Education, Centre.
It is a 3 credit unit
course for students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Science. The heart, the lung, and the kidney are very important organs whose functions are moderated by special innervations. In this course, you are going to learn more about how the heart, the lung, and the kidney perform their functions to maintain the needed homeostasis in the body.
This course is designed to provide the students with an understanding
of basic physiological (normal) functions and pathophysiology of the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Hence this course is fundamental to nursing and any health-related discipline that is evidence-based.
- Teacher: Aliyu Buhari
- Teacher: Director Center for Open and Distance Education UDUS
PHL 201 – Physiology I: This course provides the foundation on how the body functions. It lays the foundation for a thorough understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of body organs; hence this course is fundamental to nursing interventions that are evidence based.
- Teacher: Director Center for Open and Distance Education UDUS
- Teacher: Dr Adamu J. Bamaiyi
BCH 206 - Chemistry of Biomolecules: This course deals with the chemistry of important biological compounds stressing their biogenesis and reaction mechanism. It is a 2 Unit course divided into 6 study Sessions. You are advised to spend at least 3 hours in studying the content of each session.
You are welcome to another interesting course which is part of the courses you will offer during your study in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto Open and Distance Education, Centre: NSC 205: Environmental Health. In this course, you will learn the concept of environmental health, effects of environmental factors on the health of community, air and water pollution, man and its physical environment. Also, you will learn about environmental sanitation, waste disposal and vector control and finally, relationship of occupation to environmental factors. Environmental health (NSC 205) is a two (2) unit course which is logically divided into 7 Study Sessions. It requires a minimum of two hours per week for each Study Session. Once again, you are welcome. Do have an exciting time studying!
- Teacher: Director Center for Open and Distance Education UDUS
- Teacher: Dr A. M. Sani
General Introduction
You are welcome to one of the interesting courses you will offer during your study in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Centre For Open And Distance Education, Sokoto.
NSC 203 - Biostatics is a course planned to equip the undergraduates in all the disciplines of health sciences with the necessary tools and skills for collecting, analyzing, interpreting data quantitatively. Topics to be covered include: The central role of statistics in health sciences disciplines, data description, elements of probability, description of random variables, applications of the binomial and normal distributions, estimation and confidence intervals, contingency tables, regression and variance analysis, study design and hypothesis testing. For practical purposes, students are provided with specific data to work on and are also required to develop simple questionnaire protocols for analysis.
Biostatics is a two-unit course which is logically divided into 9 Study Sessions. It requires a minimum of two hours per week for each Study Session.
Once again , you are welcome. Do have an exciting time studying!
- Teacher: Dr Muhammed Auwalu
- Teacher: Director Center for Open and Distance Education UDUS
General Introduction
NSC 202 - Fundamentals Nursing IV - is a 3 unit course for students studying towards acquiring a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Science. This course is designed to provide the students with an understanding of basic medical and surgical conditions that affects human being. It introduces the students to the diagnostic investigations in medical and surgical conditions.
The course guide therefore gives you an overview of what NSC 202 is all about, the textbooks and other materials to be referenced, what you are expected to know in each study session and how to work through the course materials.
Recommended Study Time
NSC 202 is a 3 unit course divided into 10 Study Sessions. You are enjoined to spend at least 3 hours in studying the content of each Study Session.What you are about to learn in this course
The overall aim of this course, NSC 202 is a continuation of NSC 201 Fundamentals of Nursing III. At the end of this course you would have been introduced to: Concept of pain, management of pain, diagnostic investigations in medical and surgical conditions, and laboratory investigations in medical and surgical conditions, clinical observations, collection of specimens, pre-operative interventions, and post operative Nursing care.